We are an online, not for profit platform, which envisions for enhancing the knowledge for anyone who wants to expand their information horizon right from basics to expert level
Know About Us

Since the birth of “Louise Brown” the first successful IVF baby, four decades ago, the field has grown by leaps and bounds. Still a very nascent and evolving field the need for active research in the field is but understated. iHERA aims to provide a platform for researchers to share their work from the field of embryology and increase their audience and reach. They also get an exciting chance to get their work published in the internationally reputed “Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Research” run by internationally acclaimed embryologist Prof Dr Mir Jaffar Ali. By providing this means iHERA believes to fulfill the basic need of every aspiring embryologist and researcher – the need to get recognized.
iHERA being in its initial phase, we aim high yet keep our feet grounded. We believe in growing together and welcome all interested in growing with us and be a part of iHERA. We would be delighted to hear from you and any suggestions would be utmost welcome.