Training in Scientific Writing
To a select few, writing scientific manuscripts for publication is not an issue; writing is almost effortless and to these authors words keep flowing naturally. Some say writing is a God-given talent.
Alas, many of us are not born with this talent. Even getting the first sentence right is a colossal task. We tend to suffer from the proverbial “writer’s block” such that we never get to finish the first sentence or if we manage to get through the first sentence, writing the first paragraph could be a struggle. Consequently, finishing an entire manuscript becomes a nerve-wracking headache.
To others, the prospect of writing for publication is far too daunting, let alone attempting, they do not even contemplate writing an article.
To those that are not natives of English, writing in the English language can be challenging and an uphill task.
It is therefore not surprising many simply give up or do not even dare attempt writing. The end result is that many Asian scientists do not get to publish their research findings or reports.
Yes, writing is a talent but it can also be acquired through learning and practice. It is quite easy. Give it a try.
IHERA in collaboration with the Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Fertility (JRBF) have embarked on a mentoring or coaching program in scientific writing for its members and clientele.
Even if your proficiency in the English language is below standard, do not be deterred. It is not an impediment to scientific writing, because there are ways to overcome this issue.
Every year the JRBF will assist a few aspiring writers (about 12 Embryologists) prepare their scientific manuscripts or reports for publication. The training is available throughout the year but do not put it off. Do not procrastinate. Procrastination is only for those that are determined to maintain status quo. Nothing can be more harmful than procrastination.
The writer used to suffer from the writer’s block but not anymore. All it takes is diligence, perseverance and determination. You too can make it. It is attainable. Give it a go.
This training is provided gratis (free of cost). What is the catch? There is no such thing as a free lunch. You are right. We will let you know what the catch is the moment you make known to us your intention to undergo this training.
Asian Embryologists suffering from the writer’s block.
If you are interested in learning to write scientific manuscripts get in touch with IHERA with a cc to the JRBF (
Jaffar Ali, PhD
J Reprod Biotechnol Fertil
29 November 2021